We’ve covered the importance of a cover letter in our blog why a cover letter is important. Now we will talk about the top 7 perfect cover letter tips.
So we know we need to include a cover letter – Always! Unless the recruiter or company specifically says not to include one – you should always include a cover letter. It is recommended by both recruiters and employers that you include a cover letter with your CV. Your cover letter states your story of who you are and your background in a little more detail. Please find below our tips on how to compose the perfect cover letter.
1. Review cover letter examples
There is a wealth of information out there on perfect cover letter examples – Make sure to look them up for the particular job you are applying for. This can be a great starting point, to get you off to a head start.
2. Customise your cover Letter
Do everything in your power to find out who will be reading your application, go the extra mile to find out who in the company will be recruiting for the position. This shows your initiative and makes it more personal. “To whom it may concern” simply does not cut it in the world we live in today where it is quite easy, with a little online research, to find the person that’ll be reading your cover letter. Tailor it to them to get them interested.
3. The perfect Opener
This is your time to shine and tell the hirer why you are the ideal candidate for the position, that you are the solution they have been looking for. Start with a strong opener of what you can do or have done that is relevant to the position you are applying.
4. Show your personality
Let the hirer see what a lovely, friendly person that you are. State your skills and achievements that will show them who you are. Use keywords in your cover letter that are appropriate to your skills.
5. Keep your Cover letter concise
Tell your story by giving little teasers to the longer stories you’d tell in interview. Your cover letter should be short and concise – no longer than 3/4 of a page. Tell them why they need to meet you in person, in an interview.
6. Give it structure
You will have only a few seconds to grab their attention, so make sure to follow our tips with a strong opening, main body and finally a closing paragraph.
7. Close with a Call to Action
Remember, the purpose of your cover letter is to land an interview. This is the most important part of the cover letter. So make a strong, confident and enthusiastic closing statement. If you say you will be following up with them next week – then make sure you do! Don’t forget!