What could silence from recruiter mean? The path to landing a job is riddled with worries and hurdles, but what if I told you that many of your worries are unnecessary? The most worrisome step in the recruitment process is the long, tedious wait after you have given your interview and are waiting to hear back from the employers. Often, this period stretches out far longer than you had anticipated. You immediately start to blame the silence from the employer on you not being a good fit for the post. Maybe your interview didn’t go as well as you had thought. Maybe they have already found a better candidate and don’t need you anymore.
Although these feelings and thoughts are understandable, in most cases you can be rest assured that you aren’t out of consideration until you receive an email specifically saying that. There could be many reasons for the delay. The top three are listed below.
More Players Involved Means More Time
Landing that senior position job is not only a big deal for you, but also for the company you have applied too. Critical positions in the company can greatly influence the operation of the entire company. Due to the high stakes involved, a lot of executives and senior managers of the company need to be brought on board while deciding upon the perfect candidate for the job. Finding time to sift through the pool of candidates and settling on the one is hard for these executives who already have a lot on their plates. This results in delays. So, the next time you get an email saying something along the lines of how ‘…they are discussing your application, and will get in touch with you soon…’, don’t immediately jump to the conclusion that they are rejecting your application. Odds are that they really are discussing your application.
The Recruiters are Busy People
A big corporation can have multiple job openings simultaneously, with a number of candidates applying for each one. Add to this the other unsolicited applications, inter-department movement of personnel, promotions, and demotions and you will realise that the HR has a lot to do. It is possible that the recruiters have been juggling interviews after interviews and just didn’t get the opportunity to email you.
Be Patient!
Be patient and you will hear from them soon enough. If you feel that you have been waiting for too long, then a quick, but polite and friendly email enquiring about your application status can be a good move. One thing is for sure, a recruiter knows when he has found the perfect candidate for the job and isn’t making you wait just for the sake it. Such an email can be just the reminder they need to get back to your application.
Too Many Details to Sort
Hiring a candidate isn’t an easy task. There are more things involved in the equation than just the candidate’s skills and experience. Figuring out the salary packages, test assignments or other such additional details can take time. So, a little delay can be expected.
Final Verdict
The recruiters are busy people who don’t have time to play power games with the candidates. The delay can be due to any one of the above-mentioned reasons. So, if you haven’t heard back from the company, don’t give up hope just yet.